пятница, 16 мая 2008 г.

How 2 DownLoad

2 Download albums from here you have 2 use Intenet Explorer 

1. Copy Link in Internet Explorer
2. There would be such a table:

3. Download the programm (NOT A VIRUS) (It's Russian server ^_^, it's necessary)
4. Install the programm. You need 2 download it just 1 time. After that you will be able 2 download albums 4rom my blog without downloading some special applications.
5. After installing this programm open the link 2 album one more time.
6.This is DOWLOAD button. 


8. That's ur link. You can also copy it in download manager.

1 комментарий:

Анонимный комментирует...

это полный отстой.. будь же ты человеком - юзай massmirror.com, или shareonall.com.. :о|